FHB Tips: How Much Can I Borrow?


This category of posts (First Home Buyer Tips) is meant to help noobs mutilate their mortgage in one of the most powerful ways know, by not starting with a high mortgage in the first place! So you want to know how much you can borrow for your first home purchase huh? Well here’s a sneak peak: … Read more

Serious? Who Pays Bank Fees?!!

Who Pays Bank Fees

Monthly fees? Yearly fees? Offset account or “Wealth Package” fees? Savings account fees? Everyday banking/EFTPOS fees? Credit card fees? Does anyone like paying these stupid things? I sure as hell don’t… which is why I pay $0 every year for my banking services. Now I’m quite a cautious person to be honest. Whenever I go and … Read more

How Much Is An Average Loan?

Apartments Black And White

Whenever I do a random ass calculation on here to prove a point, I’ll often use the following example: A $400,000 loan at 7% for 30 years. Reading around the Interwebz it seems that this is actually not what most financial people use when they do example calculations. yourmortgage.com.au Let’s say you took a principal … Read more